Seducing Your Woman Through Sensual Massage

Before you can truly learn how to give a sensual massage, you need to know the essential ingredients first. Various things make up sensual massage. It all starts with love and ends with an orgasm. Knowing, and putting these ingredients together in the proper way, can have a big impact on getting the results you desire.

One of the key elements in sensual massage is setting the mood right.

This may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people set the wrong mood when giving their lover a sensual massage. You want to create as relaxing a mood as possible. A common mistake is using scented oils that are too sexy. These may be relaxing in a general sense, but they aren’t particularly sensual.

Instead, opt for a simple technique that requires only your hands. One way to set the mood is to lightly touch each erogenous zone on your partner’s body while playing with your hand or with your tongue. For example, if you want to create a romantic mood, lightly touch your woman’s feet while kissing her on the neck or face. The most sensual massage technique is a combination of gentle touch and clever techniques.

To create a sensual massage that is truly uplifting, it needs to include some aromatherapy. Aromatherapy uses scented oils, massage oils, essential oils, and vapor rubs. Essential oils are those that are extracted from plants.

While they don’t technically qualify as “essential” because they come directly from the plant, many people think of them as having the essential oils of the plant. You can find oils in a variety of fragrances. In addition, you can also get massage oils like jojoba oil and coconut oil which have a similar feel to the oil of the plant.

Another tantric massage London trick to keep in mind is the positioning of your hands. Your hands should be placed in such a way that they caress and massage her entire body. Her back, neck, and legs should all be massaged from the top to the bottom. Her feet should be cupped and caressed as well. If you are a man, make sure your hands are gliding over her buttocks, hips, and thighs. If you are a woman, make sure you touch only her nipples, lips, and her clitoris.

Finally, there are the mood lights and the candles. Mood lighting is a visual trick that helps to heighten the sensual massage and set the mood for intimacy. The candles create a warm, relaxing glow that gives you and your partner the feeling of being close and comfortable. Once you’ve got your candles lit and everything else in place, you can start focusing on each other’s bodies and enjoying the sensual massage together. The intimacy you create will surely lead to a night of romance and passion!

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